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Owned By: Lael Meem

Neyki vom Haus Pixner

Neyki is a very special female. She was imported from Austria by my dear friend, and partner in the planned upcoming mating between Neyki and Geir vom Gorka, the "M" litter. Neyki comes from the same kennel as my stud dog, Polar Ice vom Haus Pixner. A world renowned kennel that has been breeding superior quality working German shepherds since the early '90's. Neyki has everything necessary to make anyone a top competition dog in any venue, as well as, she has the temperament of a sweetheart for a loyal companion home. Her owner describes her as, "Neyki is a joy to be around.
Her temperament is excellent, environmentally sound, uncomplicated keeper, everywhere she goes she makes friends with adults, children and small animals.
On the training field, she is high drive, and joyful in her obedience. Her tracking is laser focused with a deep nose and no time for distractions. Her protection is intense; forward focused, and she is incredibly confident against the helper both in prey and defensive drive. Her grips are full, calm and iron strong, and she is renowned for her "launch" when coming up for the sleeve.


Health Testing

SV - Pink Papers

SV - HD: A Nearly Normal

SV - ED: A Normal

SV - LTV: Nearly Normal (1)

SV - OCD: Negative


Coat Color: AW/A

Coat Length: S/L

Protection Video

Neyki has an excellent protection video uploaded on To view the video, please create a free account to view her video, along with my breeder profile and all my other dogs.

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